Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG)
It doesn’t matter where you are in your learning journey – we can make sure you start exactly where you need to. Our Information, Advice and Guidance staff will work with you to find out what your hopes are and prepare a pathway that can be from Introductory courses right the way to University level.
We recommend:
Short introductory courses and Essential Skills in English and maths.
Ready-made course package in a chosen subject area.
How many courses should I apply for?
Select 4 courses that are of interest to you and / or relate to your future plans.
After completing the 4 courses, you may want to do another 4 to continue building confidence or you could move onto some short accredited courses.
Once you have completed this course, you will have:
A basic knowledge and introduction to a subject / topic
Career Opportunity:
Depending on the course you have completed, you may be able to go straight into work in your relevant industry using your qualification.
We recommend:
Short accredited courses at Level 1 and Level 2, Functional Skills in English and maths, Essential Digital Skills Qualifications.
Ready-made course package in a chosen subject area.
How many courses should I apply for?
Select 1 or 2 accredited courses that relate to your future plans. This will provide you with an opportunity to gain qualifications and prepare you for moving onto longer more substantial qualifications or to look for employment and / or volunteering opportunities.
After completing 1 or 2 Accredited courses, you may want to do 1 or 2 more to continue building confidence or you could move onto our long course accredited Diploma courses.
Once you have completed this course, you will have:
Level 1 qualifications that are the equivalent to GCSEs Grades 3 to 1 / D to G
Level 2 qualifications that are the equivalent to GCSE’s Grades 9 to 4 / A* to C
Career Opportunity:
Depending on the course you have completed, you may be able to go straight into work in your relevant industry using your qualification.
We recommend:
Long accredited courses at Diploma Level 2 and Level 3, GCSE English and Maths.
How many courses should I apply for?
Select 1 long course that will help you to move onto university or employment.
You may also want to study GCSE or Functional Skills qualifications alongside your course that will help you to progress.
Once you have completed this course, you will have:
Level 2 qualifications that are the equivalent to GCSE’s Grades 9 to 4 / A* to C
Level 3 qualifications that are the equivalent to A Levels or BTECs
Career Opportunity:
Depending on the course you have completed, you may be able to go straight into work in your relevant industry using your qualification.
We recommend:
University courses at Level 4 and Level 5
How many courses should I apply for?
Select 1 long course that will help you to achieve your chosen career goal.
Once you have completed this course, you will have:
Level 4 qualifications are the equivalent to Higher National Certificate (HNC)
Level 5 qualifications are the equivalent to a Foundation Degree or Higher National Diploma (HND)
Career Opportunity:
Depending on the course you have completed, you may be able to go straight into work in your relevant industry using your qualification.