The Quality Improvement Plan is the format used by UK Graduate to share its plans and ambitions for improvement, with all stakeholders and members of the College community.
Supported by a robust quality framework and a system of internal quality assurance
Procedures and arrangements which are in place and being developed continuously to improve learners’ chances of success.
A focus for UK Graduate this academic year is to build on our consistency of approach to Teaching & Learning that means all students are able to access lessons and achieve to the very best of their ability.
We are committed to working in collaboration with our accrediting partners in the delivery of our Learning and Teaching Strategy.
We will continue to build capacity for effective teaching and leadership at every level in the college. We will do this through focussed CPD, diligent performance management and open dialogue with all stakeholders.
An important aspect of our work this year is aiming to secure the positive progress of every student across the curriculum using consistent high quality teaching and assessment to raise standards. We continue to be centres for City & Guild, NOCN, Qualifi, ATHE and strive to make the best use of the resources and opportunities they offer.
• ways to continue to improve progress and attainment for students belonging to key groups: BAME, SEND etc.
• improve progress and attainment
• strategic use of accurate data to monitor outcomes and intervene as required
• Continue to provide opportunities for all staff to undertake high quality professional development
• strategic use of accurate data to monitor teachers and assessors and intervene as required
If you would like to see our Quality Improvement Plan. Please contact a member of the management team.