Frequently asked questions

Studying abroad is a big decision to make, and it’s important that you have all the information you want before you start your journey with us. Our FAQs are divided into categories, and should provide you with the answers you are looking for, furthermore you can Contact Support.

What type of English course should I choose?
What destination should I choose?
Are UK Graduate courses accredited?
Do I get a certificate or diploma after the course?
What is UK Graduate's admissions process?
How much can I expect to learn after a 2-week, 4-week, or 12-week course?
What are the prices for different courses?
How can I pay for my program?
Do you offer courses for students of all English levels?
How many weeks are your courses?
When do courses start?
Can I choose my start date?
How far in advance should I book my program?
How many lessons per week will I take in my course?